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30 September 2008


My thesis idea is primarily inspired by Johnny Chung Lee's projects even though he's more an IT guy and I'm an artist. Well, today, technology and art have influenced each other. I don't see why I can't get inspired by his projects and manipulate them in my art work.

Johnny Lee's software is available for download and meant to be developed further. Unfortunately, his contributed software will work with only PC and I'm a Mac user. At the first time, I thought about using my sister's Toshiba laptop but its Bluetooth didn't support Lee's software and she doesn't have any Adobe application on her laptop as well. So there're two solutions to solve this problem; 1) buy the appropriate bluetooth dongal, or 2) find the similar software that works with Mac.

Then, I found this forum so helpful and a link to get me out of the dark tunnel!

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